Thursday, June 6, 2013

School Goals for Summer

Last summer I got my craft on and participated in Monday Made It several times. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed all of the crafting, but this past year several changes were made in our lesson plans and curriculum so I ended up feeling like I was playing "catch up" all year long. So this summer, I want to try to get ahead a little bit. here are a few goals I have set for things I want to get done for school.
1. I want to redo all of my homework pages so they are ready to go before school starts.
2. We are supposed to have word walls up to go with our Core Knowledge units, so I have already started making word cards. I've got a ways to go, I've only done the first unit.
3. I want to work on my lesson plans and do as much as I can ahead of time that I can. I'm really bad about putting off them off until the last minute and then I'm up all hours of the night trying to get them finished.
4. I plan to go through all of my AR books and make sure they are in the correct baskets then color code them by reading level. (I started this one today. It's time consuming, but I think it will pay off next year. I think it will help the students to put the books back in the right place.) 
5. I hope to do a little creating of games, units, etc....
6. I desperately need to look at the Everyday Math curriculum. Last year was our first year to use it and I really need to get more comfortable with it. I usually like teaching math, but this year, I dreaded it each day. I'm hoping if I study it more, maybe I will like it. This year I hated it, it just seemed to jump all over the place without letting  the kids get the skills down before it went to something else.
I'm sure there is a whole bunch more I should be doing, but my main goal is to simplify my life after school starts.

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