Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Last Day

My last day of school was Thursday. Since our building is still under construction, we did something a little different with our awards programs. Each of us had our awards program in our classroom. When the principal told us that was what we were going to do, I thought it was going to be rather lame. I decided I would have the kids sit on the carpet and then I pushed back the desks and placed 28 chairs around the carpet for the guests. I think I had between 20 and 25 people show up. It ended up  being one of my favorites. The parents were cheering for all of the kids which was nice since some didn't have a parent there. I was able to share small anecdotes about each child which made it more personal.

I have no pictures, but the rest of the day we played some minute to win it games, made a necklace and puppet, took an extra long recess and their favorite part was cleaning the desks with shaving cream. I think they all made some good memories.

I have been absolutely terrible about posting the last several months. I hope to do much better this summer. My "mom" is gone and I got a new computer. I got tired of fighting with it every night trying to get it to come on.

I am having to pack my whole room up again because I am moving back to my old room now that it has been renovated. I'm glad to get back to the old room, but I don't look forward to packing up for the second time this year. I'll take pictures of the building once they have gotten the landscaping finished. It looks totally different. They did a great job combining the old with the new.

Wish me luck purging!

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  1. Replies
    1. The kids especially enjoyed the shaving cream. I don't think there was even one child who didn't have some on his face! ;)

  2. Sorry you have back up again, but I hope you absolutely love your "new" room!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Packing up and moving is one of those necessary evils. I am moving back to my old classroom which is bigger than the one I had moved to, plus it has an outside door right by the playground! ;P

  3. Good luck with purging. I am doing the same thing. Moving rooms this summer, purging first. Happy summer vacation.

    Mrs. Bartel’s School Family

    1. I read an article by The Clutter Free Classroom yesterday that had some excellent tips for purging before you pack. I'm going to do my best.... Good luck to you too.

  4. Hey, at least you get a "new" room :) I'm sure the packing will be grueling, but at least there is a reward in the end! Enjoy your summer!
    Fun in Room 4B

    1. I need to read all of the organizational tips from your linky party so I can start the year off right next August.

  5. I hate moving rooms! But it is nice to clean and reorganize everything. Have fun and enjoy your summer.

    1. It is a lot of work! As I have been packing boxes, I am finding so many books, etc... in the wrong place, so I guess I should look at it as a way to get myself very organized. ;) Hope you have a terrific summer too!

  6. My favorite memories of my children getting awards have always been when they were done in the classroom.

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

    1. I really liked it, the only down side was all of the teachers were doing it at the same time, so I missed my daughter's awards. :( My principal said we would stagger it next year.
